08:30 - 10:00

TRA Invited Session no. 59 “On the Way to Zero-Emission Shipping“

The session will feature the latest research projects on advanced marine propulsion, efficiency technologies, on-board carbon capture and bunkering infrastructure for green fuels.

LEC GmbH & Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts kindly invite you to the TRA Invited Session no. 59
“On the Way to Zero-Emission Shipping“

Date: November 17, 2022
Time: 8:30 – 10:00 (local time)
Location: Lisbon Congress Centre – CCL
Room: PAV 1, Room 1.15

LEC GmbH & Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts kindly invite you to the TRA Invited Session no. 59
“On the Way to Zero-Emission Shipping“

Date: November 17, 2022
Time: 8:30 – 10:00 (local time)
Location: Lisbon Congress Centre – CCL
Room: PAV 1, Room 1.15