08:00 - 17:00

Fermentation, CIP and SIP processes in pharmaceutical plants

Fermentation, CIP and SIP processes in pharmaceutical plants

When producing active ingredients using cell, yeast and bacterial cultures in bioreactors and fermentation systems, there are special requirements to consider for agitation, sparging, heat and gas transfer. Proper cleaning and sterilization using CIP/SIP systems is also paramount for liquid aseptic processes.

For exactly these challenges, ZETA – in cooperation with the Human Technology Cluster (HTS) – has developed a tailor-made training offer.

Training Content

  • What is fermentation and why is it essential in the upstream process?
  • What conditions do microorganisms usually require?
  • Media, parameters and design in a fermenter
  • Necessity of CIP, explanation & purpose of CIP process steps
  • Media & measurements in the CIP process steps
  • Necessity of SIP and presentation of various sterilization methods
  • Parameters & measurements for a successful SIP (with clean steam) and design details
  • Description of SIP process steps and SIP at different fermenters


DI Dr. Hubert Sommerhofer

TIP: You want to deepen your knowledge even further? Combine the training with the training module “Challenges in pharmaceutical plant construction” and you will learn everything about technical and regulatory basics in pharmaceutical plant construction. You can find more information here.

Please note that the training can only take place if the minimum number of participants has been reached. Cancellation is possible up to one week before the start.

more information:

Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.humantechnology.at zu laden.

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Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2024  
08:00 - 17:00
ZETA, Lieboch

For exactly these challenges, ZETA – in cooperation with the Human Technology Cluster (HTS) – has developed a tailor-made training offer.

Training Content

  • What is fermentation and why is it essential in the upstream process?
  • What conditions do microorganisms usually require?
  • Media, parameters and design in a fermenter
  • Necessity of CIP, explanation & purpose of CIP process steps
  • Media & measurements in the CIP process steps
  • Necessity of SIP and presentation of various sterilization methods
  • Parameters & measurements for a successful SIP (with clean steam) and design details
  • Description of SIP process steps and SIP at different fermenters


DI Dr. Hubert Sommerhofer

TIP: You want to deepen your knowledge even further? Combine the training with the training module “Challenges in pharmaceutical plant construction” and you will learn everything about technical and regulatory basics in pharmaceutical plant construction. You can find more information here.

Please note that the training can only take place if the minimum number of participants has been reached. Cancellation is possible up to one week before the start.

more information:

Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.humantechnology.at zu laden.

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Fermentation, CIP and SIP processes in pharmaceutical plants

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