
19. SMPT-Tagung „Sustainability in Mobility, Transportation and Power Generation“

Graz (Stadt), Steiermark, AT
SMTP23 – 19th Symposium on Sustainable Mobility, Transport and Power Generation & 4th LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum

The main focus is on innovative combustion concepts for future fuels (hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and other e-fuels) and their impact on fuel consumption, emissions and noise, as well as on advanced simulation, digitization and measurement technologies. The symposium focuses also on the overall system as key aspect for achieving the stringent GHG targets. Along with climate-neutral power generation, greening of the maritime sector will be a core element of the large engines area. To this end, the 4th LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum (LSSTF), is integrated into the symposium program. Overall, a comprehensive 2-days program awaits you with around 300 pioneers and visionaries of the global ecosystem in the areas of mobility, transport and power generation.

Donnerstag, 28. September 2023 09:00
bis  Freitag, 29. September 2023 17:00
Congress Graz
Sparkassenplatz 1, 8010 Graz (Stadt), Steiermark, AT

The main focus is on innovative combustion concepts for future fuels (hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and other e-fuels) and their impact on fuel consumption, emissions and noise, as well as on advanced simulation, digitization and measurement technologies. The symposium focuses also on the overall system as key aspect for achieving the stringent GHG targets. Along with climate-neutral power generation, greening of the maritime sector will be a core element of the large engines area. To this end, the 4th LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum (LSSTF), is integrated into the symposium program. Overall, a comprehensive 2-days program awaits you with around 300 pioneers and visionaries of the global ecosystem in the areas of mobility, transport and power generation.


19. SMPT-Tagung "Sustainability in Mobility, Transportation and Power Generation"

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