17:30 - 22:00

Startup World Cup Austria


Pre-Event in Graz

The Startup World Cup, hosted by Pegasus Tech Ventures, is the largest startup competition worldwide, with more than 70 countries taking part every year. invest.austria, with support of AustrianStartups, will bring the Startup World Cup to Austria for the fourth time.

Join the largest pitch competition in the world! On April 25th the most innovative startups from Styria, Carinthia and Burgenland are competing for a spot at the Austrian finals in June as part of ViennaUp 2024. It’s an exceptional opportunity for early-stage startups to showcase their potential in front of a distinguished audience of investors, entrepreneurs, and ecosystem players. Get ready for an evening with exciting pitches, engaging panel discussions, insightful 1-on-1 meetings between startups and investors, and ample opportunities for networking with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and ecosystem players. Check out our website for more information.

17:30 – 18:00: Doors Open
18:00 – 18:10: Welcome and Introduction
18:10 – 18:30: Panel/Fireside Chat (Investor & Scale-up)
18:30 – 19:15: Start-Up Pitches (First Session of 6 Start-Ups)
19:15 – 19:30: Break
19:30 – 20:15: Start-Up Pitches (Second Session of 6 Start-Ups)
20:15 – 20:45: Networking and 1o1 Meetings
20:45 – 20:55: Winner Announcement
20:55 – 22:00: Networking and 1o1 Meetings Continue


WKÖ, Gründerservice & AußenwirtschaftFFGMicrosoftA1BMAWEYInfineonMinted,

Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, 42Law, UnicornSteiermärkische Sparkasse and SFG

Donnerstag, 25. April 2024  
17:30 - 22:00
UNICORN Startup & Innovation Hub
Schubertstraße 6a, 8010 Graz
invest.austria & AustrianStartups

Join the largest pitch competition in the world! On April 25th the most innovative startups from Styria, Carinthia and Burgenland are competing for a spot at the Austrian finals in June as part of ViennaUp 2024. It’s an exceptional opportunity for early-stage startups to showcase their potential in front of a distinguished audience of investors, entrepreneurs, and ecosystem players. Get ready for an evening with exciting pitches, engaging panel discussions, insightful 1-on-1 meetings between startups and investors, and ample opportunities for networking with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and ecosystem players. Check out our website for more information.

17:30 – 18:00: Doors Open
18:00 – 18:10: Welcome and Introduction
18:10 – 18:30: Panel/Fireside Chat (Investor & Scale-up)
18:30 – 19:15: Start-Up Pitches (First Session of 6 Start-Ups)
19:15 – 19:30: Break
19:30 – 20:15: Start-Up Pitches (Second Session of 6 Start-Ups)
20:15 – 20:45: Networking and 1o1 Meetings
20:45 – 20:55: Winner Announcement
20:55 – 22:00: Networking and 1o1 Meetings Continue


WKÖ, Gründerservice & AußenwirtschaftFFGMicrosoftA1BMAWEYInfineonMinted,

Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, 42Law, UnicornSteiermärkische Sparkasse and SFG


Startup World Cup Austria

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