Portrait Gerald Fasching
Gerald Fasching +43 316 7093 330
Portrait Michael Liebminger
Michael Liebminger +43 316 7093 333

Invest in Styria

Nowhere in Austria are so many excellent products and processes born as in Styria. With an R&D rate of around 5 per cent, we maintain our top position among Europe's regions. Welcome to a land of open, creative and high-achieving people!

We are change

We are proud of our excellent education, research and business landscape, whose players work closely together in clusters and networks. Five universities with more than 40,000 students, an internationally renowned university of applied sciences system and countless research centres make our state the driving force behind digital transformation. The density of skilled workers is above average throughout Europe. As a land of innovation, we are located in the middle of Europe’s region of the future, the Alps-Adriatic region.

Hand in hand

Knowledge and technology transfer form a core competence and success story in equal measure: A large proportion of Austria’s competence centres conduct research and work in our region. Independent research institutions such as Joanneum Research work hand in hand with companies and university spin-offs bring excellence to the market.