Location coaching – work with our experts in your region!

SFG's Regional Innovation Coaching (RIC) strengthens economic power and value creation in the regions outside the central Graz area. Three innovation coaches in Auerbach, Lebring and Zeltweg support SMEs in particular in the start-up phase of their innovation and investment projects.

We are increasingly trading goods, services and knowledge globally. Nevertheless, or perhaps precisely because of this, the geographical location of a company is important. The Styrian regions are called upon to cultivate their individual strengths and position themselves stably in niche markets.

The Department of Economic Affairs has therefore launched the location coaching programme. The aim is to compensate for the structural disadvantages of rural areas compared to urban areas and to realise more innovations in regional companies. This increases added value and creates high-calibre jobs in the region. In addition to start-ups, hidden champions or companies with key regional competences, the target group also includes ‘mid-tech players’ in particular.

Book your location coach!

Portrait Michael Schickhofer
Michael Schickhofer

Authorised signatory, responsible location coaching and location coach for Upper Styria East (Leoben, Bruck-Mürzzuschlag)


+43 316 7093 308

+43 664 80793 308

Portrait Silen Bosch
Silen Bosch

Location coach for south-west Styria (Deutschlandsberg, Leibnitz)


+43 316 7093 3174

+43 664 80793 3174

Portrait Martin Buchsbaum
Martin Buchsbaum

Location coach for Eastern Styria (Weiz, Hartberg-Fürstenfeld)


+43 316 7093 202

+43 664 80793 310

Portrait Andreas Lackner
Andreas Lackner

Location coach for Upper Styria West (Murtal, Murau)


+43 316 7093 328

+43 664 80793 328

Portrait Gudrung Meier
Gudrun Meier
Michael Kerschbaumer
Michael Kerschbaumer

Location coach for the central Styrian region (Graz, Graz-Umgebung, Voitsberg)


+43 316 7093 205

+43 664 80793 328

Portrait Sigrid Vollmann
Sigrid Vollmann

Location coach for south-east Styria


+43 316 7093 334

+43 664 80793 328

‘Midwife’ for your business project

SFG’s location coaches come to your company in person, identify potential for growth and innovation and support you in thinking and daring to try something new. The coaches are ‘midwives’ of your innovation in the broadest sense and support you in its realisation.

Your local contact

What you can expect from the regional innovation coaches:

  • expertise in relevant public funding, financing and service offerings at regional, national and European level
  • expertise in entrepreneurial innovation processes
  • ractical experience with regard to relevant success factors for innovation projects
  • an excellent personal network with regional players from business, science, public authorities and existing intermediary organisations
  • intensive communication and cooperation and an understanding of the diverse entrepreneurial contexts and challenges

What your company will concretely benefit from:

  • coaching on funding and financing programmes for research and technology projects
  • feedback on project concepts and business plans
  • support in the search for project locations
  • initiation of low-threshold cooperation with scientific institutions
  • advice on the acquisition, protection and exploitation of intellectual property
  • identifying dormant potential in internal innovation management
  • support in the marketing of project successes